the truly important issues?
Or even to get clarity on What’s Truly Important?
For yourself, your team , your organisation, or even the Collective
you work within
Our Vision is that:
The Opposite of the word “Organisation” is ….. a “Shop”. A Shop is run by, and often for, a Shopkeeper.
An Organisation is built for Reliability, Repeatability, Reusability and Scalability. Via Learnability.
Want to Build an Organisation?
“What often keeps a CXO from occupying the ‘Corner Room’ is something he or she should have learnt in kindergarten, but did not! For e.g. they don’t listen, they interrupt others, they won’t share or give credit, they fail to say thank you, they refuse to say they are sorry.” – Marshall Goldsmith, who has also listed 20 Bad Habits that become derailers or limit career growth.