Our Approach
In Flawed Advice and the Management Trap, Chris Argyris states: “For advice to be helpful, it must specify:
- The intended outcomes or objectives to be produced,
- the sequence of actions required to produce them,
- The actions required to monitor, and
- Test for any errors or mismatches, and
- The actions required to correct such errors and mismatches.
Most professional advice simply fails to meet these standards.”
SUCCESS then, is setting out in the intended direction, followed by a series of course-corrective steps, based upon authentic, early-warning signals.
We work with clients to Align Attention with Intention while strengthening the enabling values:
- Trust, Respect & Collaboration at the level of the Organisation / Community / Team
- Courage, Discipline & Focus at the level of the Individual;
While we have a rich repertoire of frameworks, formulations & formats, we believe each organisation, it’s journey and context are unique. We prefer to jointly co-craft and then help implement the Way Forward with clients for any or all of the following:
- Clarify & Gain Commitment to
- intended outcome or objectives
- measurement of success / traction
- Improve Alignment (beyond just agreement) & secure Buy-in of Stakeholders
- Develop Action Plans, with Prioritisation, Resource Allocation and Sequencing
- Establish & Sustain a Rhythm of Rigorous, Religious Reviews (4 R’s)
- Enhance
- Surface Discrepancies - Gaps, Overlaps, Mismatches, Errors - practice Agile Responsiveness ensuring Social Collaboration. “Fail Fast, Learn Faster & Repeat” is our defining mantra.
We are fortunate that in today’s digital world, reliable feedback data is accessible almost instantaneously and at near Zero costs. The difference between the Great few and the Good majority boils down to Discipline and Courage
Finally, we have come to learn and believe that in life, the antidote to:
- Hopelessness is NOT Hope. It’s PLANNING!
- Uncertainty is NOT Certainty. It’s BABY STEPS!
- Failure is NOT Victory or Success. It’s RESILIENCE!!”
A unique feature about our approach: “We don’t submit reports; we co-create, implement & trouble-shoot with you.”